Friday, October 17, 2014

First Quarter Reflection Blog

The first quarter was extraordinary. I never knew how school saves me from so much boredom. I found that this quarter flew by in a breeze. During that breeze, I learned and did many different things, like practicing time management, reading, and many more. I also feel like I'm going to enjoy the 40 book challenge a little more because I'm finding more books that interest me. I really hope every quarter is like this.

I feel that time management was one of the most important things I could of learned this year. I'm really glad that I learned it early on, for I could live this year slightly relaxed. Knowing that I have completed my assignments early or on time will allow me to feel good and secure. When I'm talking about time management, I'm talking about managing my time for everything, school, sports, and hobbies. I hope I could keep this up for the whole year, plus years later. I really enjoy not having to lug around extra stress.

My 40 book challenge is going pretty well so far. I have read a total of 5 books and I'm almost halfway done with my sixth (ninth if you include the 350 page thing). Which I am. My goal this year is to read at least 35 books. I feel like 40 is slightly to high for me, so I don't want to push it. I figure that I could read 35 books during the school year and then read five more by the end of July. I want to complete the 40 book challenge because I feel like it would be a great accomplishment. Like I said before, I hope every quarter is like this because if it is, I'm going to have a great year.

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