Thursday, March 19, 2015

Berlin Memorial Activity

In general, I learned that there were many laws that prohibited Jews to do many things. At first, the stuff that we take advantage was taken away from them, but soon their needs like food, and health, were taken away. Some years had few to none laws made in them. This interested me because even though the Jews had pretty much even thing taken fron them, they still had family. Eventually, the Germans took that away too, but looking at how many laws were passed in the first year, I would have expected it come faster. I think that this monument was built to remind people of the hardships that Jews had to go through and to be reminded of their bravery. 

I believe that out of all the restrictions, I would have the hardest time with the Germans taking away my pets. You see, my pets are my life. If you take them away, you take my life away. I would fight for my dogs as if they were my sisters. Honestly, if someone took my dog away, I would probably kill myself. I don't know how I would live on with my life. I would be lonely and have nothing to get me up in the morning. Another restriction I would have a hard time with is not being able to go to school. I honestly like school. It gets me out of the house for a few hours. People, including me, take school for granted even if they aren't meaning too. School has became apart of our everyday life and we sometimes forget that some people don't or can't go to school.

Comments: Steven, Jesus, and Gustavo


  1. I agree with you because the purpose of the memorial was to teach Germany how much the Jewish community had to struggle with in seven years. I think that children in places such as Iraq and Syria are currently not going to school. I feel like your blog and my blog had numerous similarities. It seems that we think the overall message is gratitude for the things we have. Great Blog Post.

  2. You were the only person to have the hardest time with the Germans taking away your pets. I had completely forgot about that law, since there were so many but I think it would also be a hard time for me if it were to happen. It's hard to think that so many laws like this were created for Jews. Overall, great blog post.

  3. I like how you mentioned how most people that can go to school, take it for granted. I, for one, don't really like school, but if you took it away I would feel like I'm not accomplishing anything. I would feel like I was missing out on knowledge. I would hate it if they took away my puppy! Great Blog! ;)
