Monday, February 24, 2014

Reflection on Blogging

Over the past six months, my blogging has improved. I have been using the words I learned throughout the year. I also have been writing better in my blogs. I improved my grammar and spelling. I used to spell words wrong and forget to add a word every now and then. It made my blog make less sense, but now that I spell words right and make sure my sentences make sense, it makes my blogs have much more sense. The one thing I still have to work in is the amount that I write. I used to write really long blogs, but as the time has placed they be came shorter and shorter. That is pretty much the only thing that I need to work on and that is easy to fix.

One of my favorite blogs have to be the one where I wrote in a different perspective. It was called My Name is Quill as in Wild Life: This is My Big Adventure. This blog was a pleasure to write. I was very happy with the outcome. I have to say that the one characteristic that made it the best blog would have to be all of the links to click on. It made it more entertaining to read. The survey that I put in helped make it entertaining as well. I also like that I got to write it in a dogs perspective.

Part of a Blog That I Like

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