Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oogy: Week of 10/30/13

Pages Read: 24 - 228

So far in the 24 pages I read, I really like the book. I thought that is was somewhat like Marly and Me. Instead of the stomach bug that ruined Marly's life, the dog fighting ruined Oogy's life. When I looked at the cover I thought that Oogy had gotten hurt in some kind of way, but I thought that he got hurt protecting his owners' lives. I thought that Oogy's house was broken into and the burglar had shot Oogy's ear off. I was way off. I guess I wasn't that way off. Oogy's ear is not there any more because of a human, so in a way the two theories are connected in some way.

If I was they author I would end this book with a very sad ending. Most people enjoy a good laugh at the end of a book or movie, but I enjoy a good cry. I would have this story end with Oogy running away and getting lost. He finds his way into a backyard, a familiar backyard. He walks down the gangway, once he gets in the backyard where all of his brother and sisters are. Of course, they don't see each other as family, they see each other as enemies. The owner of the chained up dogs comes out to discover Oogy. Oogy charges the owner and the owner dodges Oogy and pulls out a gun. He shoots Oogy in the other ear, with the pain rusher thorough Oogy's veins he retreats back home. He glad to find that his two boys, Dan and Noah, crying on the porch. Oogy ran up to them and gave them a big, slobbery, kiss on the face. The thrilled that Oogy is back rush into the car and take him to the vet. By the time the boys get him into the car, Oogy dies of blood loss.

So the prompt I choose was "describe the similarities and differences between the main character and you" and the main character is a dog, I am going to compare Oogy to my dog, Ellie. Oogy and Ellie have many differences so I will list them below:

• Oogy is a male and Ellie is a female.

• Oogy is a lot older than Ellie.

• Oogy has only one ear, while Ellie has both.

• Oogy is white and Ellie is gray with black spots.

Now I will list the similarities below:

• Oogy and Ellie both have brown eyes.

• Oogy and Ellie both have a black nose.

• Oogy and Ellie both have a protective personality.

Oogy and Ellis both have a owner that loves them dearly.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wild Life: Week of 10/21/13

Pages Read: 166 - 177

Wild Life is a great book so far and I hate that I only have 10 pages left. I wish there was more to it like, more about the six months in North Dakota and what happens when he gets back to New York. So far, Erik and Quill have made it for a couple days out in the wild. They were doing fine until man found them. As Erik panicked, he thought about what to do, should he go home with the man or should he run away from him. He decided that it was probably best to go with him, and he was until the man told him about the five thousand dollar award that Erik knew his grandparents didn't have. The man took the gun from Erik and that is when Erik became frustrated. He walked to the car with Quill by his side, he open the passenger door and waited until the man was by the driver's side, then without a slight hesitation Erik took off in the opposite direction. Erik and Quill walked day and night to get home to his grandparents, but was he got there, something changed.

The moral of the story is that life is short so you should spend it wisely. I think that this is the moral of the story because Erik's mom painted painting with geese it the shape of a V and it said "Do the geese have dreams? Do they make plans as they fly? Do you? How will you live your own wild life?" This tells us that geese make the best of their life and the could plan ahead, it is also saying that you should plan ahead because you don't know what is going to happen. I think that people should listen o this life lesson because it is always good to plan ahead and to know what you are going to do with your life.

I think that Erick would be my favorite character in Wild Life because he is adventurous and brave. I can also connect to him in some way. Erik was put into a new living experience and he didn't like it so he gave it up. He went to live the way he thought he wanted to live, but later on he found out that living in the wild with a dog that's not even his, is not the way he wants to live. I got a Great Dane puppy over the summer and spent every minute of the day with her. That is until I had to go to school. I enjoyed school until I really missed my dog. I had to do homework and play basketball everyday, I barely had time to play with my dog. I now I spend every minute I can with her, training her, walking her, or just playing with her. I will live my wild life with my dog.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wild Life: Week of 10/14/13

Pages Read: 128 - 177

So far, the book has been great. It is about hunting and the companionship between a boy and a dog. At the beginning of the book Erik is about to go hunting with his friend, his friend's dad, and his friend's dog. He is so thrilled about it when he does the best in his gun safety class. He runs home to show his parents, but comes home to his parents looking sad. When Erik finds out that he has to go to North Dakota he is very upset. He has to leave the day before his big hunting trip and this infuriates him. The plane ride there, takes partially the whole day and when he finally gets there he is not so thrilled about his grandparents. His grandfather is grumpy, but his grandmother is really nice. On the three hour drive to his grandparent's farm, all he can think about is hunting. He wishes he was back home with his friend hunting. All he can see for miles is flat land and he doesn't like that at all.

The major conflict is that Erik doesn't like North Dakota. He dreads it so, he founds a way out of it. He found this dog and bonds with her so much within a day that he can't stand to lose her. When the vet calls Erik to tell him that he had found the dog's owner, Erik tries to act cheery, but as soon as he hangs up the phone he runs into his dead uncle's room, who was in the army, and gathers supplies to run away with the dog. I think that Erik was right to run away because if I found a dog and bounded with it, I would dread the day I had to give him up. Once this beagle found its way into my friend's yard while I was over there and we played with him all day, but her parents wouldn't let us keep him so they called the animal shelter and they took him away. It was very heartbreaking.

- Erik:
  -Loves Hunting
  -Blonde Hair
  -14 Years Old

- Big Darrel:

- Oma:
  -Old (heist the name Oma, Old Ma)

- Quill:
  -About One Year Old
  -Purebred German Shorthaired Pointer
  -Brown Eyes
  -Good Natured
  -White with Brown Spots and Brown Speckles.

- Dr. Bob:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Lady or The Beast?

Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right, and opened it. A lady was standing there, not just any lady the ugliest lady there could be. As soon as the youth saw her, he cried. He was thinking about how he was going to spend the rest of his life with this lady, who he didn't know, who he didn't like. With this thought in his head, he ran to the princess and told her, "How could you kill me?"

The princess who was confused by this, replied to the youth, "I have, but I did not. I have told you where the tiger awaits, but in its place is that women."

The audience was confused by all of this. People were mumbling "What, the princess knew and told the criminal. That is a crime!"

"Save your breath! The princess did not tell the youth where something was. How could she, for she had no idea where the tiger hid." the King said as he was looking at his daughter. The princess was about to say something, but there was a sudden scream in the arena. Everyone looked at the ugly girl to find her screaming and rolling on the floor. Within a second the ugly girl that once stood there became a werewolf.

As the werewolf was running towards the youth, his brother threw him a silver knife. As everyone looked to see who threw it, the person had vanished. They then, right away focused back onto the werewolf, who was now charging the youth. The youth dodge the werewolf like he knew what he was doing. The audience was filled with "OOOHHHHs" and "AAHHHHs."

The king got up to run away, but in the process of doing so, he knocked his daughter into the arena onto the youth. The youth caught and threw her aside just in time for him to dodge the werewolf again.  The werewolf smashed into the wall and got dazed. The youth, who knew that it was sunned went in for the kill. Werewolf woke with the youth practically standing over her. The youth then, rose the silver knife and said "See you in hell!" Then and there the youth stabbed the werewolf in the heart.

As the king was about to get into a Chevy Impala, the youth's brother yells "Stop right there! That is my brothers car!" The king turns around laughing. As he is laughing the youth's brother throws a silver knife into his heart and rushed back to check on his brother.

His brother and the princess were waiting for him by the door. "Hurry up, Sam or we'll leave you behind!" the youth shouted. The youth's brother ran to catch up with them. As they were leaving the princess looked back to the other door. In that door lied the lady waiting for someone to get her. The princess thought about telling the two brothers about the other door.

"Dean, what is the matter with the girl." Sam whispers to his brother.

"Hey, you coming!" Dean shouts at the princess.

"No there is something I have to do. See you guys some other time. Bye." The princess replies.

She waits there to see Sam and Dean leave, once they're out of sight she runs to the kitchen and grabs a knife, making sure it's silver. She runs to the other twin door and opens it. The lady comes out and asked what happen. "Nothing important." With that she takes the knife from behind her back and stabs the lady in the heart. Then, the princess falls to the floor and screams as she is going through a transformation. She was going to kill herself knowing that she would change too, but was too late.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Little Chicago: Week of 10/7/13

Pages Read: 231 - 255

This week I am still reading Little Chicago. This will be my last week writing about it. This week Blacky has been on protest. Their are kids at his school who are bullies. They are picking on him because he is hanging out with a girl that no one likes. He started to hang out with her just because his other friends betrayed him. Now he loves her and will do anything for her. Probably even kill someone.

If I was the author I would have the story end with a bang. Literally. He has bought a gun already so there is already that. I don't know how the story ends yet, so I am going to guess the ending. I think that the story is going to end with someone dieing. At first when I read that he bought a gun, I thought that he was going to kill himself. So far I was wrong, but in my ending I am right. In my ending, Blacky's bullies are so mean to him and Mary Jane that he takes out his gun and shoots them. When the police show up there is blood all over the floor and him and Mary Jane are standing close together with the gun. When Blacky hears the sirens he panics, first kissing, then shooting Mary Jane in the head. The police run in once they heard the gun fire, but by the time they got in Blacky had killed himself.

The author writes very effectively. He tells us all the details including what each characters looks like. He also is great on telling us what the main character thinks. I don't like how he writes every paragraph explicitly. I like to figure out some things on my own. I think that this book should end on a cliff hanger, just because I think it needs one.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Little Chicago: Week of 9/30/13

Pages Read: 120 - 255

The book I am currently reading for the 40 book challenge is Little Chicago by Adam Rapp. It is about a abused and neglected kid who is quite friendly. Thus, being a friendly person, you can sometimes get discombobulated. That is what this is mainly about a kid who is friendly but, discombobulated. He is not sure what he does, he doesn't know how to control his body, or tell it what to do. He is like a boy, around my age, who has a baby trapped inside of him.

There are mainly two main characters. The first main character of Little Chicago is Blacky Brown. I have to say that he is my favorite character because he is very much like me. He trusts his friends and he is very independent. He has black hair and his real name is Gerald Brown. He is a victim. Another main character is Al Johnson. He is Blacky's friend who he somethings spends the night at and goes places with him. Mr. Johnson is much older than Blacky, this is why a bad thing happens. Al is Afrian American and lives next to Blacky but, because they live in a area with lots of trees, kind of like the woods, so there are trees in between them.

The title doesn't fit the story so far but could might change. So far the title does not really fit the story because there really isn't a mention of Chicago. The only mention of Chicago is that the sister, Shay, might moved there with her friends. I don't get why it's called Little Chicago because the main character is not that little and he doesn't live in Chicago. Only a rich jerk lives there. He is barely in the story. So that is why I don't think the title fits the story.