Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Seriously...I'm Kidding: Week of 1/26/15

Pages Read: 213-241
Prompt: What is the most interesting thing in the book?

There are many interesting things in this book, so it's really hard to pick just a few. I have to say that one of the most interesting things so far was "The Longest Chapter." Basically, it is a character that talks about how long it is. For about four pages, it talked about if you wanted to put the book down and come back it later or if you just wanted to skip ahead. About the fifth page it started talking about little facts that no one knew about her, but the main thing she wanted to say was what changed her life. What changed her life was the Swifter. I found this chapter interesting because I was actually on the edge of my sit the entire chapter. I mean, I was a little disappointed when I found out what I had been waiting for, but that's life. It was also funny because the next chapter was a "tweet" chapter. You know how in a tweet you can only use 140 character, well, that was how long the chapter was.

One chapter towards the end of the book talks about some ways that help you fall asleep faster. I knew all of the ways Ellen talked about, but it was still interesting to read. One way to fall asleep faster was to read a boring book and the way Ellen gives an example is hilarious. She talks about a mom getting out of bed and tripping over a lamp cord, making the lamp fall and its glass to shatter. A piece of glass gets stuck in her foot and her son comes in and asks if she is okay. At the end of all of this, the mom and son get into a fight and the mom had not reached her goal; getting a boring book. To summarize why I found this interesting is that I enjoyed her rambling on. Most of the time I don't like people who ramble on, but her ramble makes sense.

In the same chapter, Ellen also talks about the stop watch method of falling asleep. She wrote, "Stare straight ahead. You're getting very sleeeeeeepy. Verrrrrryyyyy sleeeeeepyyyyyyyyy. Verrrrryyyyyy--wait! WAKE UP!" After this she explains that she didn't want anyone telling their friends that they fell asleep reading her book, making it seem boring. I found this interesting mainly because I didn't see it coming. I thought she was going to end with the whole sleepy thing, so when I read "wait! WAKE UP!" I was momentarily confused. You see, all her chapters have jokes that the reader can connect to, so when I saw this chapter coming to a close, I thought there wasn't going to be any joke, but I guess I was wrong.

Comments: Maria, Isabella J., and Gustavo

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jenna,

    Usually I don't read your blogs but they are kind of funny. I was wondering were did you find such an unusual book? I don't watch Ellen all the time but the few times I have it is entertaining which is probably why you are so entertained by this book. The part I liked the most was when you talked about the woman trying to find a boring book. I liked it because she never found it and she ended up just waking up more. In the end I liked your blog but you could have added more to your first paragraph.
