I learned so much new information about world events during the gallery walk. I learned recent information about Ebola, the terrorist group, ISIS, and how 2014 was the warmest year ever. I also learned about some things I didn't ever know was happening, like the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Yemen water crisis, and new rape laws in the U.K.. I truly liked the gallery walk in allowed me to learn about the world without having to watch the boring news channel. I think that we should continue on with the gallery walk every week because it allowed me to engage with my learning. Not only that, but I got to work on my summarizing and speech skills too.
One thing that I knew happened, but didn't really know much about was 2014 being the warmest year. I pretty much only knew that 2014 was the warmest year in the past decade because of global warming. That is what I mainly heard during the gallery walk, but I also learned some interesting facts, that some people might not know. For example, Stanley told me that some places are trying to fix global warming with cloud whitening. Cloud whitening helps prevent solar radiation, which adds to global warming. I learned from Julia that if we don't try to stop global warming, we won't be able to live on planet Earth. This I sort of knew, but didn't really think it was true.
Even though I loved the gallery walk, I think it can be improved a little. For example, I stop by many people who had the same topic as me and I pretty much knew everything they were telling me. I think that next time when we have a gallery walk, instead of random groups presenting, the groups should be organized based off of topic. This way people would be able to learn much more about the world. I also think there should be stations so that the viewers get to see everyone. This way not only does the viewer learn more, but the presenter will be able to talk about their topic more freely.
I love your thoughts....let's talk more about it tomorrow.