Monday, January 19, 2015

TKAM Comparison: Week of 1/12/15

What do you think are the three most important difference between the written and filmed version?

I feel like one of the major differences between the movie and novel is the role of Aunt Alexandra. In the novel, Aunt Alexandra comes into Scout's life and sort of takes over the mother role in her life. She tells Scout that she needs to act more like a lady, in a harsh manner, but the message gets through to Scout. In the movie, Aunt Alexandra isn't even introduced. Scout just one day puts on a dress to go to school. She's ashamed of it, but you don't get to see her argue with anyone. Having Scout be dressed up and attending the little tea parties in the book was important when it came to Scout growing up. Without Aunt Alexandra you don't see the progress as Scout grows up; taking away the theme coming of age.

Miss Maudie is an important role in Scout's childhood throughout the book. She is there when Scout was ditch by Jem and Dill. She was there to help ease the pain of hearing Tom Robinson had died. She never talked down to Scout, and always treated her like an adult. In the movie, you see very little of Miss Maudie. She's just some ordinary neighbor, who Scout and Jem see walking to school. I feel that Miss Maudie should of had more of a role in the movie. She doesn't really teach Scout anything and you don't get this warm feeling that you do when you're reading the book.

One of the main themes in the book is courage, which is shown through Mrs. Dubose. The way she recognizes she has a flaw and tries to fix it, shows true courage. The goal she made allowed her to die without any morphine in her system. This showed Jem an important element of growing up. In the movie, Mrs. Dubose is only showed for one scene. In that scene all you see her do is be mean to Scout. I believe that Mrs. Dubose played an important role in the book and should of played just as an important role in the movie.

Comments: Amelia, Autumn, and Nadrian


  1. I never truly viewed Aunt Alexandra's absence as you have. It is certainly something interesting to think about, as if her absence completely would change the story. I feel, just as you stated, that Miss Maudie's presence could have definitely been more pronounced, along with that of Mrs. Dubose's as well.

  2. Jenna, I never felt that Miss Alexandra was an important character, but I liked how you brought her up and changed my mind. Good Job!
