Monday, May 12, 2014

Smoke : Week of 5/12/14

Pages Read: 93 - 543 SPOILERS!!!

So far Smoke has been a great book. It is the sequel to Burned. Unlike Burned, Smoke is told in two different perspectives, one from the main character and the other from her sister. They both were abused by their father and care for all five of their sisters. They were not only family, but also friends. One day, their father was beating the main character's sister, Jackie. The main character, Pattyn, just had her father kill her boyfriend, so she had enough. She warned her father that she would shoot him, but he didn't believe her, he just laughed. So he kept hitting Jackie and Pattyn shot him died. Then she ran.

In the book, Jackie is trying to defend Pattyn, but their mother is trying to defend their father. I think that Pattyn had the right to shoot. Jackie was getting abused really badly and might have died that day if Pattyn didn't do anything. I also think that Pattyn shouldn't have ran away. I think that the cops would have understood that their father was getting abused and something had to be done.

While Pattyn was on the run, a stranger and her went into the bathroom and a guy came in. Pattyn saved the stranger's life, so the stranger let Pattyn stay at her house. The next day, the stranger's friend came over with her child, who had the measles. Pattyn volunteered to watch the baby so no one caught the measles. Eventually, the baby got better, but the mother caught the measles.


  1. Is this the two part book series by Ellen Hopkins? I liked how you described the role of each character in the book especially the perspectives of from the main character and the sister. It's weird how in the majority of the books by Ellen Hopkins, the main character always takes the law into his/her hands. Which book do you like better Burned or Smoke? Great Blog Post.

    1. So far, I like "Burned" better, but I really haven't read enough to know.

  2. This book looks really interesting. I remember it reading a part of this book in class that you showed me. What was "Burned" about? Did they have the same characters?

  3. I commented on Steven's, Abdiel's, and Leanna's blog.
