Wednesday, January 15, 2014

America's Premier Gunmakers: Winchester: Week of 1-13-14

Pages Read: 42 - 112

So far, I really love this books. I find the making of guns so interesting. This is a very detailed book and I love very bit of it. It is only one of four in the series and I plan on reading every one of them. I think out of all four of them I will love the one on Samuel Colt the most. I plan on reading that on next. I enjoy reading the Winchester one though. I find it interesting that black power was a dangerous and uncontrollable substance and that within only a couple of years people found a new substance that was safe and controllable.

Winchester has many things to motivated him to start making guns. The most important thing that motivated him was money. Creating guns and new ammunition that was new and improved made you very rich. Back then, practically every owned a gun, they needed it to protect their family, protect their land, and even get there food. Guns were every thing back then so making gave you a bunch of money.

I choose to read this book for many reasons. The main reason is because I have a interest in guns. I always did, just knowing the fact that something can be shot out of a narrow space by powder just always interested me. The second reason I choose to read this book was because I never really knew how guns were made until I started reading this book. The third and final reason I choose to read this book was because of Supernatural. The main characters in supernatural have the last name of Winchester and that is three of the reasons I choose to read this book.


  1. Wow this book looks really interesting and I want to read it! To me it's really interesting how guns were made, and why they made them. Plus I also like like the show Supernatural too. :)

  2. I commented on Carlos's, Nikolas's, and Gabe's blog.
