Thursday, December 11, 2014

TKAM: Found Poem


We are indeed
licked before 
we begin.
The bravest person I ever knew
said, all men are created equal.

Real courage is, when
you rarely win,
when you know
you're licked before you begin.
When, you see
not all men are created equal.

Real courage is, not
a man with a gun in his hand, but
when, you know you're licked before you begin.

Explanation: My poem is told from the point of view of Atticus. It is explaining what Atticus thinks of courage. Most lines are from the ending of part one. When Atticus is explaining to Jem about real courage. The others are taken from the end of the trial. I believe that these two parts are the most important in the book and they also explain Atticus's belief well.

Comments: Maria, Autumn, Gianna


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  3. I commented on Maria's, Autumn's, and Gianna's blog.
