Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesdays with Morrie: Week of 4/27/15

All six of the Tuesdays have had an impact on me, but I think the fifth Tuesday really got to me. You see, I'm not that involved with my family. I mean, I try my best to be connected with my family, but it just isn't easy for me. I see my mom probably five minutes a day when she's working, so I don't really get to talk with her besides the whole, "Hi, have a nice day, I love you." When she isn't working, I also seem to have things going on with school, whether it's homework or an activity. I see my dad on regular basis, so my relationship with him is much stronger. My sister is always at school or work so I don't see much of her either. We all love each other, but don't see much of each other. I'm just telling you this because I figured you needed background as to why this Tuesday impacted me the most.

Morrie had told Mitch, "This is part of what a family is about, not just love, but letting others know there's someone who is watching out for them." This is what made me really think about my life. Remember how earlier I said we all love each other, but don't see much of each other, well, it's kinda hard to think someone is watching out for you, when you don't see them. I mean, I know my family is watching out for me and I hope they know I'm doing the same, but it's nice to be reminded from time to time. I know, this might sound like I'm complaining, and in a way I am, but this chapter really made me think about my family life and I want to share what went on in my head. Sometimes, I'll think about my life, but I never really thought about my family before.

Morrie had a lot to say about family, perhaps it's because of his rough childhood or his own family, but the point is that he knows a lot. One of the things is said is, "If you don't have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don't have much at all." I tried to challenge this statement by thinking of other things that are as important as family. I thought and thought, but at the end I found nothing; family always came up on top. This whole blog post has been me complaining, but now that I'm rethinking about my family is pretty awesome. We may not see each other as often as I would like to, but we make an okay family. I mean, we don't show it every day, but we all know we love and support each other. Morrie has really opened my mind to many things. Hopefully throughout the other Tuesday's I can learn some more.

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