Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Giver: Week of 12/2/13

Pages Read: Finished

I finished the book this week and I have to say it was amazing. I loved the book and all of the themes and cliff hangers. I really want to read "The Son" to find out if Jonas and Gabe lived. I also want to read "The Son" To find out if Gabe's birthmother finds Gabe. I think that Jonas is still alive and didn't see things. I think that Jonas saw want he saw and that people came to help him. I think elsewhere is the real world. That there was just some people who wanted to started something new so did and the rest of them continued living the way they lived, the way we live now.

I drew a picture of a bicycle because I think it is a very important object in the story. I think that having a bicycle in the made it seem more realistic. If the author didn't write that everyone got a bike then there would be no type or transportation expect for walking and that wouldn't be realistic. If the bike wasn't in the story there Jonas probably wouldn't of made in out of the community. Walking would be to slow and would really put a lot of stress on Jonas. Jonas also would not of been able to bring Gabe because it would be to many things to carry with all the food and other stuff.


  1. I like how you put in that if he didn't have a bike he would be walking. The aouthor put in that bikes are really special because they simbolize a coming of age but for Jonas it is just a simple transportation device.

  2. I commented on Diego's, Stanley's, and Gabe's blog.

  3. I really want to read Son, too! It seems really interesting although I looked up what happens. I think the bicycle is one of the most important parts of the story. It takes Jonas and Gabe so far, yet it's one of the simplest objects. I find that pretty cool. Great blog!
